Monday, October 20, 2014

Lean on Me....

Sometimes in our lives
We all have pain, we all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow

Lean on me when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need somebody to lean on

These are lyrics from one of my favorite songs--"Lean on Me".  And they are perfect for the topic that has been on my mind most of this week.  

It has become blatantly obvious how easy it is for me to take for granted the simple things that I have at my disposal everyday.  Access to healthcare, medication, healthy children, and family support seemed to at the top of the list throughout the week.  

I hadn't really taken into consideration how fortunate it was for me to be able to understand each person that I encounter every day.  When I walk into a hospital seeking medical attention for my children, I have no problem communicating my needs or problems to the nurses and doctors.  In an eye opening experience this week, I realized it is a luxury that I take for granted.  Not being able to tell someone how my child is hurting or not understanding what a doctor is telling me would be so frustrating when my child needs help.  As parents we just want the best for our children, and when our children are in crisis, anything that prevents us from getting help for our children just escalates the crisis even more.  

To complicate the matters, how do you know where to schedule your medical appointments.  Could you go to France and find a dentist?  Could you go to Mexico and find a doctor?  These are all daily tasks  fluent English speaking people just go into naturally in this country because they are just basic daily activities.  

All of this is a long round about way to say that I think we need to help people be more aware of what resources are available in our communities.  United Way has a great way to start.  2-1-1!  If you dial 2-1-1, you will be connected to an agent to help get you connected to services in your community.  These services range from Basic Human Needs, Physical and Mental Health Resources, Work Initiatives, Support for Seniors, Children, Youth, Families, and People with Disabilities, and  Volunteering opportunities!  This would have been a great resource for the family in need of translation services.  Helping that family getting hooked into their community and finding local resources for medical care for their children will increase school attendance, improve the students self esteem, and increase grade performance.  

We all need someone to lean on in a time of crisis, new communities, and unfamiliar territories.  Who can you lean on to help you through those rough times?  But, more importantly, who can lean on you???

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